[Dessinetaville] Crazyguyonabike : récit d'une transition de Google Maps API vers Leaflet.js et OSM

Jean-Christophe Becquet jcb at apitux.com
Lun 12 Nov 07:57:31 CET 2018


Je vous conseille vivement la lecture de cet article dans lequel Neil
Gunton partage son expérience de transition de Google Maps API vers
Leaflet.js et OSM pour son site Crazyguyonabike.

Un billet assez technique et en anglais mais très concret.

Le site crazyguyonabike permet aux cyclistes de publier des journaux de
leurs itinéraires avec photos, carte et profil d'altitude. Voici
quelques exemples dans les Alpes du sud.

Le problème : passage de gratuit à 1000 $ par mois.

« The upshot was that instead of a free limit of 15,000 map views per
DAY, they were moving to a quota of 28,000 views per MONTH. According to
their dashboard, we were using about 5-6,000 views per day, which fell
well within their previous limits, but now we would use up the new
monthly quota in about five days. I calculated that in fact we would owe
Google something over $1,000 per month under the new fee structure »

La difficulté : passer d'une API unique à un assemblage de briques
logiciels et de fournisseurs de services pour chaque besoin.

« Google really has a comprehensive set of APIs. For my site, I used
their mapping, routing, elevation, charts, and geocoding services. I
won't go into details on how those work, if you use them then you
already know, but the point here is that when you leave Google, you are
leaving a very comfortable environment whereby everything is under one
roof, and going out into what is initially a very confusing world of
different libraries and services. Seeing how they all fit together
exactly can be daunting at first. I'll try to save you some time in
sketching an outline of what I found out. Remember that I'm not an
expert on all of this; I am just speaking here as someone who recently
had to go through a painful transition from one API environment to a
completely different set of APIs. »

Les briques de la solution retenue :

- OpenStreetMap et Stadia Maps pour la fourniture des cartes (tuiles)
- Leaflet.js plutôt que Mapbox GL JS pour l'API cartographique
- Stadia Maps (Valhalla) pour le calcul d'itinéraires
- OpenCage pour le géocodage
- quelques Plugins pour étendre les fonctionnalités de Leaflet.js
- Plot.ly plutôt que Chart.js pour les graphiques (profils d'altitudes)

Et sa conclusion :

« On the upside, once you are transitioned into the world of Leaflet.js,
it will be much, much easier switching to some other mapping provider
down the line. Heck, if you wanted to, you could even run your own map
tile servers. »

« This is an example of why switching to OSM is actually a Good Thing -
it gives you far more control than you had with Google. »

On Transitioning from Google Maps API to Leaflet.js and OSM - Some notes
from my own transition process that might be useful to other developers

Voir aussi sa solution pour les données d'altitude :  New elevation data
for maps, improved elevation profile charts, and fullscreen mode

Voir aussi sur Dessinetaville

#switch2OSM : passez à OpenStreetMap !

Bonne journée

Cahier logiciels libres et standards ouverts : enjeux pour les collectivités

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APITUX - Jean-Christophe Becquet
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